This course is designed to walk individuals and teams through the steps of developing and implementing a comprehensive school counseling program (CSCP) that meets the requirements of the Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) and Oregon Administrative Rules (OARs). The goal is to assist district CSCP teams in building the systems and structures to provide comprehensive counseling services to all students in your school.


This course requires about thirty (30) hours to complete and consists of four modules that will cover the four components involved in the development and implementation of your comprehensive counseling program:

  1. Introduction to this course and to the development and implementation of comprehensive school counseling programs in Oregon.

  2. Utilization of advisory councils; creation of beliefs, vision, mission, and social equity statements; assessment of counseling needs.

  3. Identification and delivery of evidence-based interventions that address the identified and prioritized needs.

  4. Management and improvement of the team’s CSCP.

The modules are designed to be viewed in sequential order, as the content builds on itself over the entire course. The professional development provided in this course will provide key knowledge on how the counseling team can build the district’s CSCP and serve as CSCP leaders through the development and implementation stages and then the ongoing program management and improvement stages.

The process of developing and implementing a CSCP often requires two to three years to lay the foundation and then from that point on is constantly updated as the team engages in the Data-Driven Decision Making Cycle presented on p.59 in the Oregon Framework for Comprehensive School Counseling Programs.

Oregon’s Framework for Comprehensive School Counseling Programs (2018) will be used as the main reference document or “text” for the course. Individuals and teams will be guided through the four modules to specific information within the Framework. Consider downloading and printing the document or having it readily accessible in the team’s Google shared drive. Note that the course development team made a decision at the outset to not require teams to join ASCA nor use ASCA resources.

  • Given the probability that most individuals and teams will consist of educators representing a variety of school district sizes and professionals (e.g., school counselors, school social workers, child development specialists, administrators, teachers, etc.), this course uses inclusive language as often as possible. The Framework document references school counselors quite often as they were its original audience; however, this course shifts the audience and language to those who are responsible for the design, delivery and implementation of comprehensive school counseling programs. The counseling team approach is used in both large and small districts when a multidisciplinary combination of individuals, each bringing their own unique expertise, training, and experience, together support the full implementation of the comprehensive school counseling program.

    One or more of these individuals must be licensed by the Teachers Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC) and serve as the lead, while the combined team has the professional training or experience to implement the CSCP. For more information on CSCP personnel, review ODE’s District Guidance on Counseling Program Personnel Requirements and FAQ Companion Guide. It may be helpful to outline each person’s role within the comprehensive school counseling program implementation, as in this example of overlapping and complementary services provided by student support personnel. The Oregon School Counseling and School Social Work Associations and a resource document their pre-service programs worked together to create a resource document for school counselors and social workers on their unique roles and complimentary services.

  • Each module will indicate the learning outcomes, provide the content to address each outcome, support you through activities to be completed to build your program, and conclude with questions to invite individual participants and their teams to reflect and discuss.

    Download the Google document titled “CSCP Task Completion Template.” The CSCP Template Google Doc can be used to document and develop your program by recording your CSCP team’s responses to the activities assigned in each module. Also provided is a Sample Presentation Google slides template that can be modified and used to share about your program with your staff, administrators, school board, families and school community.


    Note that the Course Development Team (CDT) has followed the Oregon Framework and ASCA National model models of program development, i.e., assuming the district does not currently have program components in place. The CDT will then in module 4 provide instructions on how to proceed in incorporating extant activities into the district’s CSCP.

  • The Course Development Team (CDT) first wants to acknowledge each district team that chooses to participate in this course. The Oregon Legislature passed legislation in 1996 stipulating that districts were to provide comprehensive counseling services to all students. The first edition of the Oregon Framework for Comprehensive School Counseling Programs was published in 2003 and some districts were able to receive professional development shortly thereafter. This course, however, is the first time in the history of the Oregon school counseling profession that every counseling team member in the state can engage in professional development on the development and implementation of a comprehensive school counseling program.

    The content for each module and the website were reviewed by an advisory committee. We want to acknowledge the following individuals for their commitment of time and expertise:

    Heather Fix - High school counselor on special assignment in Hillsboro SD.

    Wynn Arellano - Counselor at Taft Elementary in the Lincoln County SD, recently awarded RAMP status.

    Rick Scheibner - Counselor at Sunridge Middle School in Pendleton and a former elementary/middle school counselor in Hermiston.

    Teresa Knutson - Counselor at North Bend Middle School.

    Annie Schlegel - Behavior Interventions & School Social Worker at Lot Whitcomb Elementary in North Clackamas SD.

    Ryan Marshall - Counselor at South Salem High School, recognized as a 3-time RAMP school. Ryan was recognized as the 2021 Oregon School Counselor of the Year.

    Beth Yarbrough - Instructional coach at Douglas ESD, assigned to support counseling programs.

    Jenn Susuki - Counselor and Student Wellness Coordinator at the Malheur ESD.

    Also, thank you to the multiple ODE staff for their review, expertise and contributions to the modules.

Program Development Template Entries

  • Template Entry #1 – List the Team Members developing and implementing the CSCP.

  • Template Entry #2 – Summarize what you will share about ODE’s District Guidance on Counseling Program Personnel Requirements & FAQ Companion Guide.