Modules 2, 3, and 4 have “progress rubrics” to be used for three purposes:
1. To determine if you have taken the steps necessary to be compliant with OAR 2060 for that respective portion of your CSCP.
2. To assess your progress on completing each of the primary activities specified in that respective module. Since the process of developing and implementing your CSCP may take multiple years, the rubric will be useful in moving the specified activity from Compliant status to Advanced status.
3. To determine if you might be ready to RAMP your program.
RAMP is an acronym used by the American School Counselor Association for Recognized ASCA Model Program. You can see the instructions to follow to receive ASCA RAMP recognition and then see that seven schools in Oregon have been recognized.
As this course and rubrics were developed, it was intended that the Advanced level of completion of the specified activities would prepare your school to complete the RAMP application.
Completion of this course at the Advanced level increases the likelihood that your school might be ready to apply for RAMP recognition.
4. Ryan Marshall and Wynn Arellano served on our content development review advisory committee. Ryan is a member of the South Salem High School team that RAMPed its program. Wynn was the counselor at Taft Elementary in the Lincoln County SD, and he successfully RAMPed his program. Both Ryan and Wynn indicated they believe that completion of this course at the Advanced level on each of the rubrics prepares teams to complete the RAMP application. Here is a short video of Wynn sharing his thoughts on that topic: