Having worked through Module 3, you are now ready to start creating or revising the heart of your CSCP: the program outcomes and interventions. The following prompts will get you started  on completing the four major steps of Module 3: 

1. Kudos to you for getting this far through the course! You have demonstrated tenacity and perseverance to reach this point. In Module 1 we asked you to write a short note about why this work is important to you. Return to that note and reflect on what is the same and what might have changed. What new motivations have you developed?

2. We hope the step of identifying interventions has enhanced your awareness of evidence-based school counseling interventions. What is next for you in deepening your understanding and use of these interventions?

3. Now that you have identified a need, written a program outcome, selected a possible intervention, and decided when, where, and how you will implement this intervention - it is time to celebrate this achievement and reflect individually on your contributions to your team's process. You are invited to take time as a team to review what your team did well that facilitated the process of taking these steps.

As you work through these prompts, keep in mind the students who will benefit from your hard work. You are going to improve the lives of students who have been underserved!

Program Development Template Module 3

  1. For each intervention, indicate as much as you can about the who, what, when, where, how. These questions will assist you in planning the intervention’s implementation.

  2. The course content development team assumes that many/most districts have yet to develop many interventions in the community involvement domain. The course has provided you with snippets of information in each of the first three modules about this domain. What steps does your team intend to take to further address the student needs that this domain addresses?

  3. System interventions: As noted in the module, p. 18 in the Framework addresses the important role that members of the counseling team assume in identifying system barriers or as Dr. Holcomb-McCoy states, Opportunity Gaps. What system barriers does your team need to discuss and plan interventions to address?