Note Bene: The Course Development Team (CDT) made some assumptions about how CSCP teams might work through the modules.  Based on conversations with several teams, the CDT assumed that most teams will have members engage with the module content asynchronously and then teams will meet periodically - perhaps at their regularly scheduled monthly meetings.  At these meetings teams will share their responses to the Reflection Questions and to the questions on the CSCP Task Completion Template.
Respond to the Module 1 Reflection Questions. 

Developing and implementing a comprehensive school counseling program (CSCP) is a challenging yet rewarding process that can take up to several years to reach full implementation. As you embark on this course, it will be important for you to know, and come back to often, your personal “why” in completing this course and implementing a CSCP.

  • Reflection Question 1: Write a short note to your future self about why this work is important to you. What are the benefits to you, your students, the school where you work? 

  • Reflection Question 2: What will keep you centered and motivated when you are faced with challenges? 

  • Reflection Question 3: Identify a few people who can be your supporters and encouragers in this process, people who can give you a boost, share ideas with you, and carry some of the load. Key supporters may be part of the comprehensive school counseling team at your school, friends, mentors, former classmates, or family.

  • Reflection Question 4: Identify whose voices you want to center when you are thinking about developing your school counseling program and why.

  • Reflection Question 5: Reflect on how your professional association has uplifted communities and ways it has possibly reinforced oppression or exclusion. How can you be aware of that moving forward and work to mitigate it?

  • Reflection Question 6: As you prepare to move onto Module 2, what is one step you can take now to move your CSCP forward, even if it’s a small step.